Adopting a global partner could mean a commitment to pray for that missionary through the year, or to support them financially. We’d love for you, your family or your small group to take a look through our missionaries and select one you’d commit to.

Gabe & Judy Agostini

As part of SALT Leadership, Gabe has been developing an effective theological program for church leaders and pastors in Latin America, Europe and North America who are unable to attend Bible schools and seminaries. This is done through Seminary Education by Theological Extension (SETE) and by helping local church ministries with resources and support personnel. “And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2

Corey & Katie Garrett

The Garretts live in rural Senegal working with the Wolof people. Corey is focusing on transcribing the Wolof Bible into Arabic script, while Katie serves as the SIM Senegal Personnel Coordinator. They have five children, with two at home and three in boarding school. They serve with the help of SIM.

Brian & Tracy Heffron

Brian is a missionary journalist serving as the Communications & Media Relations of cer for SIM South Africa. After living in South Africa for 14 months, the Heffrons obeyed God’s call and moved back to the US. Brian writes about the work God is doing in South Africa, traveling there for news gathering a few times a year and working online between trips.

Dan & Kim Scheel

Dan and Kim work at Rift Valley Academy, a school for missionary kids in Kijabe, Kenya. Kim is a nurse practitioner in Student Health and Dan is an art teacher.

Joel & Barbara Trudell

Joel and Barbara work in the development of the unwritten, minority languages of Africa so they can be used in Bible translation, literacy, and development work. Their sending agency is Wycliffe Bible Translators.