Upcoming Events


Friday, February 28
7:00 PM | Browncroft Cafe

Browncroft is hosting a local gathering of Gather25, a unique virtual meeting of the global church. Join us for an in-person time of celebration and prayer as we hear from and support the global Church, locally and from all over the world. Enjoy good food, worship, and prayer, with a special focus on the needs of our local refugees and our partners at World Relief. We will also launch Gather25’s 25-hour broadcast and hear what God is doing through His Church all over the world, including the persecuted and growing Church. We can’t wait for our congregation (you!) to play a part in this epic gathering.

Pastor Rob's 20th Anniversary Celebration

Sunday, March 16
6:30 PM | Browncroft Sanctuary

“20 Years and Cheers for Rob!”

Join us on Sunday, March 16th from 6:30 – 8:00pm for a celebration of 20 years of Pastor Rob’s ministry at Browncroft. The evening will begin with a brief program honoring Pastor Rob’s ministry both on and off stage and be followed by a fellowship hour including dessert in the cafe.

Click below to RSVP and contribute a message of encouragement to be included in Pastor Rob’s gift.

Spiritual Formation Conference

Saturday, March 29
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

As a culture and society, we can fall into the trap of compartmentalizing our minds, bodies, and souls, separating the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. What if the way of Jesus invites us to experience deep wholeness? What if Jesus invites us to experience the tangible expression of gospel health in every area of our lives?

The 2025 Spiritual Formation Conference theme is “An Invitation to Wholeness – Applying the Way of Jesus to Everyday Life.” When we talk about wholeness, we mean experiencing the abundant life Jesus has invited us to live.  Each of our workshops will focus on topics that will bring wholeness in the way of Jesus to key areas of your life.

Our keynote speaker is Rebecca Letterman, former professor and coach.

Celebrate Recovery

7:00 PM | Browncroft Theater

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered ministry to explore freedom and healing from our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. We spend the first hour in worship and teaching or testimony, followed by gender-specific Open Share Groups. Join us any Tuesday night at 7pm in the Browncroft Theater.