This is an exciting time at Browncroft. Christmas is coming! But that’s not all… we’re coming to the end of our church’s 100th year.
All year — sometimes with a big party and sometimes in quieter ways — we have celebrated the Lord’s faithfulness to Browncroft and the ways He has worked through us to help our neighbors near and around the world. We’ve also explored how we can be part of that story right now — how we can be “all in” as we build on the firm foundation prepared for us and say to the Lord in our own unique way: “Send me!”
With that centennial focus in mind, I’ve reflected a few times on this blog about some powerful stories from years past. But today I want to encourage you to look more closely at what God has been up to here at Browncroft in more recent months. Check out our newly released “Celebrate 2022” report!
Did you know that more than 600 new guests visited Browncroft this year? That exciting figure is in the report. And so is the fact that 158 took a next step by participating in one of our “Pizza With The Pastor” events or the Next Steps Experience.
We also have more than 600 adults and 300 kids and youth regularly meeting in small groups each week.
Oh, and this is a fun one… we’ve served more than 5,200 drinks at the Browncroft Café on Sunday mornings in 2022. If you’re like me, coffee stirs up warm feelings — all the more so when all the proceeds go to support the great ministry of New City Café. So just think what a blessing this is to both those attending Browncroft and our friends in Beechwood.
Perhaps a couple of the most powerful stories referenced in the report relate to these two pictures:
One is the Wolof educational facility in Senegal that we rallied to support during last month’s Send Me conference. The other is a picture from last weekend’s Sunday service when we welcomed representatives from DeafBridge in Ukraine — a group we worked to help in the spring as they entered war zones to get members of the particulalry vulnerable Deaf community to safety. Between both efforts Browncrofters generously gave more than $150,000!
And that’s not all… all told, $607,000 went to our local and global outreach partners! Praise God!
Again you can find those and other powerful data points along with pictures and more in the Celebrate 2022 report. We hope you’ll scroll through it and praise God with us. Just as He has for 100 years, God has truly blessed us and our work in 2022. I’m excited to see what He has in store in the years ahead!