Good News for New Goals - WGW Podcast Blog Post

Good News For New Goals

January 27, 2022

The year is not so new anymore. January is about to move into the rear-view mirror. And you may be looking back with mixed feelings at some of the goals you set on New Year’s Day. Well, I have some good news and great Browncroft podcast resources to share below.

But first I think it’s ok to take a look at the status of our own individual journeys so far in 2022. Anyone else have some victories mixed with setbacks?

Or maybe we (including me) thought about some areas of life that could use attention, but we didn’t actually settle on a goal. Maybe we didn’t want to overpromise to ourselves. Or perhaps we didn’t have time to set up a plan. In any case, we weren’t quite ready for that step.

Again, if any of this resonates for you, I have good news.

First, we are not alone. In fact, according to a CBS News poll in December, less than 30 percent of us made a resolution this year. So a whole bunch of us are in a similar boat.

Second (and this is even better), February starts next week. It’s another new beginning!

And that’s where the Browncroft resources come in.

I’ve had the privilege of serving periodically as a co-host on our church’s weekly “Why God Why” podcast. There is a library of good content to explore there, but our most recent 4-week series on goals for the new year was especially interesting.

I think what set the table for me – maybe why I found the series so helpful – was a goals strategy suggested in our first episode by author and entrepreneur Jeff Henderson. He challenged us to have a “1st in 10” mentality. What headway can we make on a targeted goal in the first 10 days of every month? How can we carry that new years-type energy into the rest of the year?

What a gamechanger concept! If I missed January 1 for a goal launch, I don’t need to wait until next year. And if I have a setback… guess what? A new month is coming to redouble my efforts.

Now of course we can change course anytime. We don’t need a new month, week, or even day. But, at least for me, “1st in 10” is a helpful idea.

By the way, Jeff explains it better than me in the video linked below…

I also enjoyed the other podcast episodes of the series. We had fun exploring possible spiritual, relationship, career, and even enneagram goals (full disclosure… I come in as a skeptic on that last one… it was a great episode).

If you’d like to check out the WGW goals series, I encourage you to visit You can listen right there or click on links to subscribe to the podcast from your favorite platform (Apple, Spotify, and more).

And if any of the challenges from our guests (Jeff Henderson, Amy Elliott, Brian Lee, or Ashley Cross) strike a particular chord, please let us know here on Facebook.

Blessings to you in the new month!

About The Author

Further reading

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