Join Us for These Upcoming Events!

February 8, 2024
John Iamaio

I’m fascinated by the types of videos the Instagram algorithm decides I would enjoy. I don’t spend a ton of time on social media, so I like to think that makes the job a little tougher. However, the algorithm recently stumbled upon one type of video that I seem powerless to resist. These “reels” start by showing a horribly overgrown lawn in a neighborhood. Sometimes the yard looks like no one has mowed or cared for the area in two or three years. Then, in fast motion, the lawn is mowed, sidewalks are cleared, refuse is cleaned, and edges are defined. The yard that looked hopeless and unmanageable is brought back to life in a fresh way. I love seeing a completely renewed landscape!

Lent is a season when we are intentional about looking at the condition of our souls. It is an opportunity for us to slow down and see what we have ignored or what needs to be tended to. Of course, this should be a continual process for us as followers of Jesus, but having one season where we give it extra attention can help us apply it every other time of the year. This year, Lent starts on February 14th (Ash Wednesday) and goes until March 29th (Good Friday). I’m praying this will be a season of renewal for us as a church.

There are two upcoming events in the life of Browncroft that will help us participate in Lent in a more intentional way. Hopefully, these will be meaningful for you as you engage in this significant season of the Church!

The first is our church-wide Prayer Night coming up on Wednesday, February 21st from 6:30 – 8pm.

Last year, the Family Ministry, Discipleship, and Worship Teams all combined to host a prayer experience during Lent. It was such a moving evening that we have decided to do it again. This won’t be an exact replica of last year, but the overall atmosphere will be similar. The evening will start by us gathering in the sanctuary and be followed by interactive prayer elements in other areas of the church.

This year, we have structured the Prayer Night around The Lord’s Prayer. Whether you are four or 104 years old, there will be a way for you to engage with how that Jesus taught us to pray. We would love to have you join us for this special occasion!

I’m praying this will be a season of renewal for us as a church.

Another event we experimented with last year was a one-day Spiritual Formation Conference. It was a time of learning, connecting with others, and discussing how to live out of a deeply transforming relationship with Jesus.

This year, we will be having our second annual Spiritual Formation Conference on Saturday, March 9th from 8:30am – 2pm. The theme for this year is “Renewal.” We will have a main session in the morning followed by a wide selection of breakout sessions, lunch, and a question-and-answer time.

If you are seeking ways to refresh and revive your walk with Jesus, this may be just what you are looking for! Our prayer is that this day will be a gift to you as you experience different spiritual practices and consider how they might apply to your life. You can find out more information and sign up here.

I’m excited about all God is doing a Browncroft! I believe the best is yet to come as we listen to the Spirit and follow the path that He has for us. I am confident the Lord will continue to transform us as we clear the clutter from our lives and obey His Word.

About The Author

John Iamaio

John Iamaio serves as Discipleship Pastor at Browncroft. Previously as Missions Director for Cru, he oversaw chapters on 40+ college campuses reaching 1.5 million students across New York. Committed to meaningful relationships and authenticity, John is passionate about investing in the next generation of leaders and helping people grow deeper in what it means to experience Jesus in their own life.

Further reading

Rooted, and the Fruits of the Spirit

I will always remember those ten weeks leading a Rooted group as the fostering of new friendships, the gaining of new perspectives, and a means by which I could work on improving myself by paying attention to the Spirit within me.
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