NTS 2023

Never The Same

August 3, 2023
Ainsley Weigel

A few weeks ago I was part of a group of 23 students from Browncroft who headed to Houghton College to attend Never The Same Camp — a ministry that provides a week of fun and spiritual growth for teens at camps across the country. We participated in team competitions, crazy dances, sporting tournaments, academic classes, sermons, worship services, and more. It was an amazing opportunity to come together and grow alongside other teens who love Jesus. And — let me tell you — camp spirit was busy, raging, and lively!

But besides a lot of fun activities, the week was packed with biblical teaching and discipleship moments. At the large group sessions, Charlie Alcock, Professor of Youth Ministry at Indiana Wesleyan University, led us through the book of Esther. After reflecting on his teachings, there are two major points that have stuck with me.

The first is that tiny acts of obedience can grow into a giant impact for the Kingdom of God. With the help and guidance of her older cousin Mordecai, Esther took small, dutiful steps that ended up saving the entire Jewish nation. She trusted the plan God had for her and walked faithfully without wavering.

The second point I took home came from when we learned about the moment Esther walked into the presence of King Xerxes. Culturally, this was a very risky move. She knew she might perish at his hand. But in that moment Esther didn’t put her life in the hands of King Xerxes, but rather in the hands of the one true King — the God of Israel.

For the first time, I was able to stand up in front of my peers and declare my heart for ministry and the calling I feel from God to pursue Him for the rest of my life.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to have attended NTS Camp with Browncroft Community Church. For the first time, I was able to stand up in front of my peers and declare my heart for ministry and the calling I feel from God to pursue Him for the rest of my life.

About The Author

Ainsley Weigel

Ainsley Weigel is a graduating senior and part of Browncroft Students. She is headed to the Anchor House in Hawaii in the fall for a year of Biblical Studies.

Further reading

The Power of Rooted

What do you do when you feel spiritually dry? What do you do when following Jesus seems mundane? When I encounter these seasons, I find that God ultimately calls me to do something seemingly uncomfortable.
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You and Your Guests Are Invited to Alpha

Starting in late September, Browncroft will be hosting the Alpha course, which is an exciting opportunity for anyone to explore spirituality and learn more about the meaning of life from a Christian perspective. Relaxed, low-key, and fun, Alpha is a place to ask anything– no question is considered too simple or off-limits.
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