production - internship

Our Interns Are Here

June 9, 2022
harris - staff pic - march 2022
Jason Harris

As you may have seen on Sunday, our interns are here! We are excited to welcome five young adults — Parren Carnahan, Alia Leavitt, Ryan Ledermann, Nathan Magaw, and Josh McCleary — as a part of this special summer program.

The heart of this initiative is a desire to partner with and raise up young leaders.  With a focus on practical vocational ministry experience interlaced with spiritual and leadership development, this is an excellent opportunity for us as a church to act with intentionality as we support new generations of emerging leaders. 

It has been amazing to watch God moving in the lives of the interns in last summer’s inaugural cohort. In fact, two of those interns are now employed by area churches (including Alex Welker here at Browncroft!) and another recently finished a national tour working in live production. I am also so grateful that several of our interns this year were actually recruited to apply to our program by last year’s cohort — a testament to the value of their time with us.

This is an excellent opportunity for us as a church to act with intentionality as we support new generations of emerging leaders. 

And so with anticipation and expectancy, we welcome our new interns. These five exceptional young leaders are working with us in Worship, Live Production, Communications, and Family Ministry tracks. Even if you haven’t met one of them yet, you’ve likely seen or experienced some of their work already! Over the past few weeks, they have dived right in serving in our worship services, capturing Browncroft stories, preparing videos and podcasts, and assisting kids and youth activities in our Family Ministry programming. I’m looking forward to seeing each of them grow and strengthen both their craft and their faith over the summer. 

Browncroft Interns 2022

Please be praying for Alia, Joshua, Nathan, Parren, and Ryan as they spend their summer with us as members of our team. And as we continue to build this program, please pray that we as a church would remain attentive and ready for how God is calling us to develop and walk alongside one other — to build each other up in love and faith.  

About The Author

harris - staff pic - march 2022
Jason Harris

Jason is Browncroft’s Senior Director of Worship and Production. A graduate of Taylor University (Upland, IN) and Fuller Seminary (Pasadena, CA), Jason has served on staff at Browncroft since 2010. In addition to leading worship and working with his teams, Jason and his wife, Marissa, enjoy spending time outdoors running around with their three young kids.

Further reading

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