shepherds angel christmas advent 2022

This Is Us

December 20, 2022
Rob Cattalani
Rob Cattalani

Chapter 2 of Luke’s Gospel tells us about the birth of Jesus, but nearly twice as much space is spent on the angelic vision to the shepherds. It is to them that the great significance of this birth is communicated: Jesus is the promised Messiah, the Lord, a Savior.

Shepherds were the working class in Jesus’ time — the “average Joe’s” in ancient culture. They represented the lowly and humble, and they gladly received this good news and responded with praise and obedience. Certainly, the angels giving this message to the shepherds was intentional on God’s part.

The story of Jesus is a story told to us and for us — “good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” What’s most important in this story is not where the shepherds receive this good news, but what they do with it. They spread the word that had been told them about this child.

We have not received a vision of angels, but we have received the God’s message about His Son. This message has the power not only to save but to transform. In the Gospel the life of Jesus is birthed in us.

This passage suggests two important questions for us as we prepare for the celebration of Christmas. Are you still amazed by what God has done in you through the Gospel message? And are you spreading the Word about this child?


Holy Spirit reveal to me someone in my life that I might approach to tell them about Jesus’ great love.


Write down three names of people in your life that do not know Jesus. Carry them with you and see if God opens a door for you to invite one of them to the Christmas Eve service.

Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash

About The Author

Rob Cattalani
Rob Cattalani

Pastor Rob grew up in Rochester where he came to know Christ in his first year of college. After a couple years at the Xerox Corporation he decided to pursue a Masters of Theology at Dallas Theological Seminary. Pastor Rob was a pastor in Texas for nine years and then served as a missionary in Europe for a year. He answered the call to be Browncroft’s Senior Pastor in 2005, and his favorite part of his job is teaching and preaching God’s Word.

Further reading

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