invitation for easter

4 Ideas For Inviting Someone To Easter

March 23, 2023
peter englert
Peter Englert

As you read the Gospels you will encounter a disciple named Andrew. We know little about him except for the people that he brought to Jesus:

  • Andrew brought his brother Peter to Jesus (John 1:40-44)
  • Andrew brought the boy with the loaves and fishes (John 6:8-9)
  • Andrew and Philip brought Greeks seeking Jesus (John 12:20-22)

Andrew teaches us that we have opportunity to play a role in the story of others. What if God has placed specific individuals in your life — perhaps in your neighborhood, workplace, gym, or coffeeshop — so that you can help them encounter Jesus?

Invitation is one of the central practices of Browncroft’s spiritual habit “Share Your Faith.” That might seem daunting, and maybe we fear saying the wrong thing or rejection. But what if God is moving in the lives of people around us? Perhaps He’s doing far more than we can ever imagine.

Easter is one of the most powerful opportunities we have to share the Good News, and I want to offer you four steps you can consider to exercise the “Share Your Faith” habit in this season:

Make a list of three individuals to pray for

When we started using our habit journals at Browncroft last year, I began intentionally praying for individuals in my life. I was amazed when each one of them reached out to me almost unannounced at certain points. Things happen when we pray, and we also become more aware of the people around us. You might be surprised at how God is moving.

Share about Easter at Browncroft on social media

Social media is a place we can share what’s important in our lives, and we can see this tool as a way of helping people learn more about Jesus. I want to encourage you to take a step of faith and post about Easter at Browncroft. It might spark a conversation with a person who would be interested in coming. You can click on easily shareable images at

Take a Browncroft Easter postcard and share it with a gift

The next couple Sundays we will offer Easter cards as you enter the church sanctuary. I encourage you to hand those out to others and consider giving a gift with the invitation. Take the opportunity to connect with the three individuals you’re praying for and encourage them to come to church.

Live a life of invitation

The people whom you pray for and invite may or may not come to church this Easter, but part of living the habit of “Share Your Faith” is living a life of invitation. I would challenge you to love people as Jesus did — with no agenda. When you spend time with people, they will see Jesus through you.

I’m praying for you in this season. Never forget that God is at work and it’s no accident the people God has placed in your life. Let’s share our faith in this season.

Photo by Mediamodifier on Unsplash

About The Author

peter englert
Peter Englert

Peter Englert is Adult Ministries Director at Browncroft Community Church. He graduated from the University of Valley Forge with a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry and a M.A. in Theology. He also blogs at

Further reading

Rooted, and the Fruits of the Spirit

I will always remember those ten weeks leading a Rooted group as the fostering of new friendships, the gaining of new perspectives, and a means by which I could work on improving myself by paying attention to the Spirit within me.
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