What Is A Spiritual Habit?

Let this thought sink in for a moment…

The God of the universe wants to be in relationship with you!

A spiritual habit is the invitation to know God and His purposes for you in your everyday life.

Browncroft's Four spiritual habits

Spend time with God.

Spend time with others.

Know and use your gifts.

Share your faith.

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Through daily prayer and Bible reading, we believe that Jesus wants to hear from you and you to hear from Him. Spending time with God frames our day with the opportunities and challenges set before us. Often, the Holy Spirit helps us reframe our thoughts, motives, and attitudes to better see what He is doing in us and other people.


Following Jesus happens in intentional community, not as a solo endeavor. A small group is 10-12 individuals engaging the Bible, praying for each other, meeting together weekly, and encouraging each other. You were created to have relationships with other people to help you grow in your spiritual journey.


Each of us has been given time, talents, and treasure from God. How we spend our days, use our unique abilities and invest our money says a lot about what we believe about God. A spiritual gift is an ability or skill given by God to be used to encourage or serve others. It is in giving and serving that our lives find their fullest meaning and deepest joy.


The truth of Jesus’ death and resurrection is GOOD NEWS. We believe as Jesus changes you, He places people in your life to share this wonderful message of the Gospel. That means we create space for our friends, coworkers, neighbors, family, and others in our sphere of influence to know Him. Just as Jesus invites us to change, He’s calling us to be part of His story in the lives of others.

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