A Celebration of God’s Faithfulness

October 10, 2024
Jason Harris
Jason Harris

“My heart says of you, ‘Seek his face!’ Your face, Lord, I will seek.”  (Psalm 27:8)

This past Tuesday we celebrated the work God has done in and through our congregation at our Annual Celebration. It was a joy to hear so many testimonies about how God has been working at Browncroft this past year (see video below).

We remembered and celebrated our focus on going deeper into spiritual conversations with our friends, family, and neighbors. This theme was intertwined in so much of our planning this past year– from our packed-out Christmas Jam, to our Summer Nights, to a Spiritual Conversations one-day conference, and finally, the sparking of our launch of Alpha this fall.  

In addition, we noted the continued engagement within our small groups and specifically within Rooted– over 700 Browncrofters have engaged with this foundational theology and spiritual practices curriculum. We then celebrated 55 baptisms, over 400 first-time guests, and strong attendance growth within our Sunday morning services this past year. 

We also reflected on our Reach 2024 campaign. Through God’s faithfulness and your generosity, 1.2 million dollars was placed toward reducing our Reach Initiative debt (now under 3 million dollars) and toward mission partnerships. We celebrated the launch of new global and local partnerships and renewed engagement in our Wolof partnership, while also recognizing 25 years of mission engagement in the country of Senegal.

Through God’s faithfulness, at this gathering, we were able to celebrate a strong year of generosity and stewardship. Our membership also took the time to approve all budgets and elect our lay officers. 

We believe God is doing amazing things in the lives of many in our church and beyond.

The second half of the meeting was dedicated to providing an update and further engaging you in the ongoing vision process. We shared key markers and findings within this vision process, as well as how we believe our church is being called to be more deeply anchored and formed in our faith. Flowing from this foundation and formation, we are called to be “on mission” for God, pouring our own lives into others.

This outward focus and raising up of leaders is only possible through a personal, inward transformation in each of us. We believe God is doing amazing things in the lives of many in our church and beyond. Our prayer is that He would continue to lead us into His greater call and vision– and that we would seek Him as we ourselves are renewed and transformed by the gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit. 

Thank you for your continued partnership, and I look forward to growing and seeking the Lord alongside you this upcoming year. 

About The Author

Jason Harris
Jason Harris

Jason is Browncroft’s Executive Pastor. A graduate of Taylor University (Upland, IN) and Fuller Seminary (Pasadena, CA), Jason has served on staff at Browncroft since 2010. In addition to leading worship and working with his teams, Jason and his wife, Marissa, enjoy spending time outdoors running around with their three young kids.

Further reading

Rooted, and the Fruits of the Spirit

I will always remember those ten weeks leading a Rooted group as the fostering of new friendships, the gaining of new perspectives, and a means by which I could work on improving myself by paying attention to the Spirit within me.
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