all in prayer focus - centennial week

All In Prayer – Community

May 19, 2022
peter englert
Peter Englert

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25) 

At Browncroft, one of our distinctives is Life-Changing Relationships. We live this out through the spiritual habit of “Spend Time With Others,” particularly in small groups. Since one way people see the Gospel in real life comes from seeing the love of individuals who have Jesus at the center of their lives, we can be thankful for how God has built this community in the past and what He will do in the future.  

Lord, continue Your work in this church to build healthy and life-changing community.

Let’s take a moment to pray for the following areas: 

  • That Browncroft will be a church that creates an atmosphere where people feel welcomed and can experience Gospel-centered community.  
  • That God would raise up small group leaders to form new groups.  
  • That our small groups would continue to challenge people to go deeper in life-change in Jesus. 
  • That we would be a place that cultivates healthy friendships and relationships. 

Lord, continue Your work in this church to build healthy and life-changing community. May we live out the Gospel by loving people as You would. 

About The Author

peter englert
Peter Englert

Peter Englert is Adult Ministries Director at Browncroft Community Church. He graduated from the University of Valley Forge with a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry and a M.A. in Theology. He also blogs at

Further reading

We’ve Got It Backwards: NTS Camp and the Faith of Our Students

This past week, 34 Browncroft students and leaders traveled to Houghton University for five days of Never the Same Camp (NTS). They gathered alongside 600 students and leaders from other churches in the Rochester/Buffalo area to grow in community with each other and with God. I was blessed with the opportunity to participate in this experience with them, and let me tell you, the things I witnessed during this week were eye-opening.
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Browncroft’s Wolof Ministry and Bible Project

In 2024 Browncroft is celebrating the 25th anniversary of our partnership to reach the Wolof people of Senegal! One new way of making an impact that we are excited about is the sending of $25K of the Browncroft Reach 2024 ministry funds to help make God’s Word available in the Wolof language.
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