Baptisms This Sunday!

May 16, 2024

We can’t wait to celebrate baptisms at Browncroft this Sunday, May 19th! In anticipation of this special event, we invite you read the testimony of Carole Murphy, who is excited to be taking this next step in her relationship with Jesus. We hope you will join us at church this weekend to witness her and many others publicly declaring their inward faith in Christ through baptism!

Here’s what Carole had to say:

“I grew up in a strong faith-based Catholic family and attended weekly service with my parents and siblings. I also attended Catholic school.  Both my mom and dad were very active in our church, so it wasn’t unusual for my entire family to participate in various activities, including fundraising events. I always believed in Jesus, but now, looking back, I never had a relationship with Him. I now realize the two are very different.

 As an adult however, the distance between myself and my faith consistently got bigger over time.  Before I knew it, I was no longer going to church, and my prayers ceased as well.  During some very difficult life moments, I had prayed my heart out but didn’t ever feel like my prayers were heard or answered.  So, for more years than I care to admit, Jesus was never really an active part of my life.

Then about five years ago, my son Rob got me involved in reading the Bible and studying scripture with him.  It became a weekly ritual for us, and I remember having some great conversations with him and comparing our individual thoughts about certain passages we had read.  It wasn’t long after that he took me to a service one Sunday at Browncroft.  Although it was a big change for me compared to the traditional Catholic mass I was used to, I was hooked after that and began to attend weekly.  Over time, my commitment to the Browncroft church and community grew.  For several years, I was a small group leader on the children’s ministry team. I also joined a women’s small group and participated in the Rooted series.  In different ways, all of these things have helped contribute to my faith journey and brought me to where I am today.  Baptism, for me, is my final step in receiving Jesus in my heart and devoting my life to Him.”

Baptism, for me, is my final step in receiving Jesus in my heart and devoting my life to Him.

Thank you, Carole, for sharing your story with us! We’re looking forward to hearing many other moving baptism testimonies this Sunday. Don’t miss the chance to come support our fellow Browncrofters taking this important step.

If you or someone you know is thinking of being baptized at Browncroft, we invite you to check out our Baptism page. Here you can learn more about this opportunity and read through answers to some frequently asked questions. Whether you’re certain you want to be baptized or simply want to have a conversation about it, we’d encourage you to fill out an interest form. A leader will follow up with you.

This spring we had over 30 people sign up to be baptized. Praise the Lord! We are now taking signups for Baptism Sunday on September 15th, 2024. What a joy it will be to see how Jesus continues to work in the hearts and lives of those in our congregation.

About The Author

Further reading

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