Two Ways You Can Learn ASL This Summer
“I wish I could learn some sign language!” I hear that often from fellow Browncrofters who see me on our church’s ASL interpreting team on Sundays.
My Small Group’s Experience With ‘The Gospel & Race’ Study
My hope is that when you read about our experience you will want to explore Browncroft’s powerful “Gospel & Race” study in your group, too!
Seeing the Deaf Community
Rochester is home to the largest Deaf population per capita in the U.S. Our church is strategically positioned to see and serve this community.
Partnering As Good Neighbors
Browncroft was blessed last week with the opportunity to partner with the Town of Penfield in its annual Good Neighbor Day.
Trusted Ambassadors In The Middle East
Sami and Mira feel like family to us. We openly share our confidence in God’s love and goodness because we are reconciled with Him through Jesus.
Racial Reconciliation Is A Journey
Racial reconciliation is a journey. It can be painful. But as we become more like Jesus, there will be joy set before us.
Browncroft Kids Exploring Peace
We’re learning about letting the peace of Christ rule in our hearts and living in peace with each other. It’s not always easy, but it is worth the effort!
Baptism – Celebrating Reconciliation
This Sunday we will see faith in action. We will have a time of baptism – a celebration of Jesus reconciling us to Himself and to each other!
Pastor Rob previews the coming Reconciled series exploring how Christianity at its root is all about a new creation, new vision, and new calling.
Students to Talk Justice
Browncroft Students is about to engage the topic of justice. What does the Bible say? How do we follow Christ in bringing God’s peace to earth?