Finding Belonging

April 27, 2023
Robyn Englert
Robyn Englert

Healthy connections with God and others result in joy. In fact, we were designed as human beings for such connection. But — in a culture with a historically unparalleled opportunity to be connected — loneliness and distance from true relationships are at an all-time high!

Research out of the COVID pandemic years is increasingly underscoring the need to be aware of the impact of connections with one another. For example, simple chats with coworkers who stopped by our desks were not thought much of previously. But when those conversations disappeared while many worked from home, the reality of being isolated was felt in a strong way.  

In addition, the inability to freely visit loved ones in other states or to be by hospital bedsides revealed the significance of being together in those precious and difficult moments. Wrestling alone with a significant battles can leave one feeling deserted. And trying to meet new friends or potential spouses encountered additional hurdles. All these examples only scratch the surface of where disconnect pops up in our culture and leaves us lonely and wanting.

Growing healthy connections requires effort, intentionality, and an awareness of how to develop these relationships. We’re going to take that challenge on May 13 at “Finding Belonging.”

Most of us have found ourselves facing a season of loneliness at one time or another.  But, again, God designed us for connection with Him and others. Through Scripture we can see Him inviting us into deeper relationships. Still, growing healthy connections requires effort, intentionality, and an awareness of how to develop these relationships.

That’s a challenge we’re going to take up on Saturday, May 13, when Browncroft Women will host an event called “Finding Belonging.” We’ll be focused on Romans 12:5 (CSB): “…in the same way we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another.” And we are in for a treat as Bible teacher, speaker, and author Becky Harling joins us to unpack what it means to be one body and how healthy belonging opens the door to a deeper fullness in life.

Whatever season you find yourself in, ladies, I invite you to join us on May 13 as we dive into Scripture to seek practical ways to connect further with God and others. Please sign up for “Finding Belonging” using the button below by Monday, May 8. It will be a joy to connect with one another!

About The Author

Robyn Englert
Robyn Englert

Robyn Englert is married to Peter and mother to two delightful daughters, Hayley and Lucy. She works as a mental health therapist in the Rochester area, and she has been a member of Browncroft for a number of years. Robyn is grateful to be able to serve with the Browncroft Women team to bring Becky to this event.

Further reading

Rooted, and the Fruits of the Spirit

I will always remember those ten weeks leading a Rooted group as the fostering of new friendships, the gaining of new perspectives, and a means by which I could work on improving myself by paying attention to the Spirit within me.
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