Making Lent Meaningful as a Family

February 22, 2024
Trisha Smith

We are now one week into the season of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter.  During this time, many Christ-followers are intentional about pausing and reflecting on the sacrifice that was made for all of humankind when Jesus took on the punishment for our sin and offered us redemption by defeating death three days later. Lent is a time to be grateful for this ultimate sacrifice and a time to grow deeper in our faith. No matter where you are on your journey with Jesus, I would encourage everyone to leverage the next 30 days– to spend time thanking God for the gift of Jesus and asking Him to be the central focus of your hearts and minds. As I think about Lent in the context of families, I want to encourage parents to make this time meaningful with their children. Here are three practical ideas of how to do that:

Make Sunday morning church services a priority. 

If you have teens, I can’t think of a more meaningful opportunity to grow closer to God than coming together to worship Him as a family. This also sets you up to discuss Scripture and explore your faith with your teens throughout the rest of the week. Keep in mind, it’s not just about being in the building on Sunday; it’s about how you will apply what you heard from God while you were there. 

If you have younger children, please know that they are also receiving a Bible-based message every Sunday.  A great way to engage them is to pick up a Parent Cue or a God-Time card in our Family Resource Center (located at the corner of B and C Halls) so you can know exactly what your kids are learning on any given Sunday. These are also available on our Parent Resources page.

A fun way to attend church with your elementary-aged children is by joining us for our upcoming Easter Jam on Friday, March 22nd! This interactive worship service is designed with the whole family in mind.  If you would like to attend, please RSVP here as seats are limited. 

Make a sacrifice as a family. 

Because we focus on Jesus’ sacrifice during Lent, it can be very impactful to practice self-sacrifice at this time.  Some families give up dessert or social media. You can choose anything that interferes with or distracts you from your time with God.  It’s important to remember, though, that it’s not just about giving something up. Rather, it’s about remembering why you gave it up and taking the time to be grateful to God for all He has provided.

On that note, I suggest making a gratitude list.  Often, we focus on being thankful at Thanksgiving time, which is a wonderful thing.  But, as we think about what Jesus did for us on the cross, we should not miss the opportunity to thank God every day for the gift of salvation.  During Lent, take the time each day to share something you are thankful for with your family.

Look for ways to serve others as a family. 

Serving others is a great way to show the love of Christ to others in need, and doing this together as a family can have a profound impact on your faith and the faith of your children.  You can seek out ways to serve the local community together, as we did at the Serve Night last November.  We will also be offering an intergenerational mission trip opportunity this summer with Filter of Hope. This trip is open to everyone, including families with children aged six and up. If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, please sign up here to attend an informational meeting on Sunday, March 3rd at 12pm.


I hope these ideas have inspired you to celebrate the season of Lent with your family in a more meaningful and deliberate way.  For more family-friendly ideas, please pick up a Lent calendar at our Family Resource Center this weekend. 

As always, I am praying that you would know Jesus’ love for you and your family more and more every day.


Trisha Smith

About The Author

Trisha Smith

Trisha Smith is Browncroft’s Senior Director of Family Ministry. She has served in various family ministry roles over the past 17 years. Outside of church she keeps busy cheering on her daughters in their many sporting events.

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