Married Couples, Join Us for The Gathering!

February 29, 2024
tricia yoder
Tricia Yoder

Have you ever gotten an “assembly required” piece of furniture?  The pieces and instructions come in a cardboard box.  You read the step-by-step instructions and lay out the individual pieces… only to find that one of the main assembly parts is not there!  It was not included.  Ugh! That means follow-up communication to the manufacturer is necessary because, without this critical component, the structure will not be stable enough to hold what it is intended to.

I’ve been in this frustrating situation before. When I think about it, it reminds me a lot of the focus for our next “The Gathering” event for married couples. While there are no “instructions” for marriage, we will be discussing some “pieces” that can be put in place to make our marriages stronger.

The Gathering is a series of sessions for husbands and wives to grow in their relationships with one another while getting to know other couples from Browncroft. This ministry was launched last month, and we were amazed at the turnout of couples who came to our first meeting on February 1st! Our speakers, John and Laura Iamaio, gave an excellent presentation on ways to communicate more effectively with your spouse.

Whether you have been married for a month or over 50 years, we hope you will join us for our next meeting of The Gathering on Thursday, March 7th from 6:30 – 8:00pm. For this month’s session, Mike Miller, one of our elders, will be sharing about an important “piece” that will strengthen your marriage tremendously: prayer.  Whether you pray regularly as a couple, or are not yet comfortable praying together, we encourage you to join us as we explore how praying with your spouse makes a difference. This will be an evening of fun, encouragement, and learning together. So mark your calendars for next Thursday, and be sure to let others know about this rewarding opportunity!

Our hope for The Gathering is to build strong, Christ-centered marriage relationships that create stronger families, communities, and churches. 

We all know that marriage is something you can’t do alone. It takes two to have a marriage, and it takes intentionality to have a strong marriage.  As a church, we want to come alongside our married couples to encourage stronger marriages. Our hope for The Gathering is to build strong, Christ-centered marriage relationships that create stronger families, communities, and churches.  We are not meant to do marriage in isolation– we are better together!

You can RSVP to next week’s session by clicking the button below. We can’t wait to see you there!

About The Author

tricia yoder
Tricia Yoder

Tricia is Browncroft’s Discipleship and Serve Director. She loves watching the ministry volunteer teams serve our congregation and community as ambassadors of God’s love.

Further reading

Rooted, and the Fruits of the Spirit

I will always remember those ten weeks leading a Rooted group as the fostering of new friendships, the gaining of new perspectives, and a means by which I could work on improving myself by paying attention to the Spirit within me.
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