Parent Survey Says…

September 21, 2023
Trisha Smith

As we closed out our “Better Together” series in June, Browncroft’s Family Ministry team rolled out an important survey. We know that raising children to know and love God is the most important thing a parent can do. So — beyond providing trusted environments for children on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights — we wanted to know how parents felt we could best support them.

When we asked parents what they wanted most for their children, the top answers were faith development, healthy mentors, strong friendships, and mental health. This was such good news to me because it tells me that parents are prioritizing the faith of their children — or at least they want to. They know that a growing relationship with Jesus is the most important part of their child’s life, and they seem to understand that relational ministry is very impactful when it comes to nurturing such faith.

We also asked parents how they thought the church could best support them beyond our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening programs. The top answers to that were providing healthy mentors and providing experiences families can attend together. And in third place was a tie between providing resources like age-specific devotionals and providing practical parent training on how to best influence their children’s faith.

Healthy mentors finished strong as an answer to both questions. Parents want other trusted adults who can speak into their child’s life and point them to Jesus. This affirms the investment we make in our Family Ministry small group leaders at Browncroft.

Healthy mentors finished strong as an answer to both questions. Parents want other trusted adults who can speak into their child’s life and point them to Jesus.

Did you know that every kid and youth (we call them “students) who attends Browncroft on a Sunday morning or Wednesday night has at least two dedicated, Jesus-loving leaders who make the weekly commitment to investing in their spiritual growth? Parents, that is a true gift.

We know we ask a lot when we ask a Family Ministry small group leader for an every-week commitment, but we only ask because we know how important it is for kids and students to have consistent leaders who show up for them week after week as they grow in their faith. I would encourage you to know your child’s small group leaders. You should be receiving an email from each one in the coming weeks. Reach out to them. They want to know you and they value your input as they mentor your children.

So what else is coming? Well, beyond Sundays we will be hosting three “Family Jams” for families with elementary-aged kids in the months ahead. These worship experiences are a great opportunity to laugh, learn, and love Jesus together. The next one will be one in December as we approach Christmas!

We are also holding our second Family Serve Night on Wednesday, November 15, when family members of all ages can come together to serve our local communities. In addition, we are in the process of researching intergenerational mission trip opportunities for families. Last month I traveled to Belize with a multigenerational group, and I cannot tell you what an incredible blessing it was to serve alongside 6-year-olds, 60-year-olds, and ages acoss the spectrum in between.

Regarding the desire for resources, we hope you’ll take a moment to check out our brand-new Family Ministry Resource Center at the corner of “B” and “C” halls in the church. Or, if you can’t make it in person, it is also available online by clicking the button below. We hope these resources will be valuable to you as you disciple your children.

One last thing I want to mention is that we will be hosting a “Sticky Faith Families” group that will meet on Thursday nights for five weeks beginning in October. This group is open for you whether you are a parent of a toddler all the up through high schoolers. If you want to be more intentional about growing an everyday faith in your children, we invite you to join us. For more information and to sign up, please click here.

We are excited for another year of partnering with you as we lead the next generation into a deep and lasting relationship with Jesus. Thank you for trusting us with your children and for your investment in their spiritual development. God knew what He was doing when He chose you for them.

About The Author

Trisha Smith

Trisha Smith is Browncroft’s Senior Director of Family Ministry. She has served in various family ministry roles over the past 17 years. Outside of church she keeps busy cheering on her daughters in their many sporting events.

Further reading

Rooted, and the Fruits of the Spirit

I will always remember those ten weeks leading a Rooted group as the fostering of new friendships, the gaining of new perspectives, and a means by which I could work on improving myself by paying attention to the Spirit within me.
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