Why does reconciliation matter to sports? Cody Foster

Podcast Primer For September

August 12, 2021

Next month Pastor Rob is going to launch a message series on 4 spiritual habits key to our individual walks with God and our community effort to truly be the church. Those habits are:

  • Spend time with God
  • Spend time with others
  • Know and use your gifts
  • Share your faith

As a primer for that series, I encourage you to check out a collection of recent episodes of our church’s Why God Why podcast. We partnered with Northeastern Seminary (NES) at Roberts Wesleyan College for 4 really fun, encouraging, and enlightening conversations on spiritual practices.  

Consider this – you spend approximately 1 hour going to church on Sunday. That means that you have 167 more hours each week to engage with God as an individual and in a small group community! Ultimately, our Sunday services are simply a catalytic experience for the rest of the week. 

The Why God Why podcast’s NES episodes focus on these practices: reading the Bible in community, Sabbath, meditation, and serving to recognize your spiritual gifts. These topics are exciting to talk about, but admittedly difficult to implement in our lives. So each of these episodes provide practical tips to help us engage God in new ways.  

Check out the episodes below: 

David Carr, professor of New Testament at NES, shares his own journey with us as we explore how reading the Bible in community causes us to go beyond our blind spots to see what God is saying in a more robust way.

In a culture that pushes people to produce, a Sabbath may seem counterintuitive. Why would I take time off to rest when I can get more done? Ben Espinoza, Assistant Professor of Practical Theology at NES, describes how he came to understand his need for Sabbath and offers practical next steps for us.

Many of us struggle to escape life’s noise and busyness in order to pray and meditate on Scripture. Dr. Rebecca Letterman provides practical advice on how to find that space. If you are looking for moments to slow down and sense God’s presence, this episode is for you!  

Rebecca Taylor, who previously served on staff at Browncroft, helps us see how serving can uncover the way God wired us to make a difference. What we begin to realize is in community others can see our spiritual gifts.  

Take a moment to explore these episodes. Share them with a friend!

About The Author

Further reading

Rooted, and the Fruits of the Spirit

I will always remember those ten weeks leading a Rooted group as the fostering of new friendships, the gaining of new perspectives, and a means by which I could work on improving myself by paying attention to the Spirit within me.
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