Dakar Senegal

Pray Give Go… and More!

January 28, 2021

This is an exciting season for missions at Browncroft, and we want you to be part of it!

Of course, COVID-19 has forced us all to be creative, but online platforms like Zoom have really changed the game for our partnerships near and abroad. The ability to connect across time zones from our desks or the palms of our hands is something that will not be going away in the future for missions at Browncroft. And actually, after our first few months in the pandemic checking in with our partners virtually, we began to question why we never did this before!

So how can you plug in? Well, we have monthly virtual opportunities happening right now that we would love to see you at. One is actually coming this Sunday…

Pray Give Go

Pray Give Go is a monthly event that highlights our ministry partners and the work they are doing in our city and around the world. Our hope is that each month you learn about different ways to engage with missions by hearing about opportunities to pray, give, and go.

This Sunday (January 31) at 7:00pm we will be hearing from Brian Duclos (Good News Jail Ministry) and Anna Valeria-Iseman (Open Door Mission). Please sign up using the button below and learn more about what they’re doing (and we can do with them) right here in Rochester!

Virtual Prayer with Partners

We’re thankful 2020’s challenges led to the idea of a regular virtual prayer time with ministry partners! We often pray FOR our global and local partners, but we weren’t often praying WITH them.

Now Browncrofters and our partners have been praying together monthly on Zoom since July! It is such a blessing for us and them to praise God for His work, pray for challenges, and grow together in community.

If you are interested in learning more about who our global and local partners are and about what they are doing (especially in the midst of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic), I encourage you to join our next virtual prayer time!

Virtual Prayer with Partners meets every first Tuesday of the month at 8am & 8pm.

Sign up using the buttons below for our February 2 morning and evening calls:

Senegal School Sponsors Needed

Finally, Browncroft has had a long relationship supporting projects serving the Wolof people in Senegal, and I want to be sure you know about an opportunity to make an impact on the next generation.

Browncroft Community Church and GO On The Mission have worked together to help the Georges Flattery School benefit the lives of countless children and their families in Senegal for years. Because most Senegalese children do not complete their education and nearly half are not in school by age 13, GO’s sponsorship program helps provide tuition to high quality Christian schools where the success rate is over 98 percent. The Georges Flattery School also provides them a precious gift in access to the truth of the Gospel message that Jesus Christ loves them.
Right now 13 students need sponsorship ($39/month). Perhaps you could help them. Even if you couldn’t directly sponsor them, could you pray for this ministry? With people struggling to find work and provide for their families’ basic needs as a result of the pandemic, child sponsorship is more important than ever.

You can learn more about these children and how to sponsor them HERE.

I hope you will join in one (or more) of these exciting opportunities and learn more about how you can be a part of reaching the unreached with the gift of a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you have any questions, please click the button below to send me an email!

About The Author

Further reading

Let’s Kick Off a New Season!

We are excited to announce Fall Kickoff 2024 here at Browncroft. This coming Sunday, September 15, we will be kicking off a new season of growth, connection, and community with our church family. Beyond the fun, games, coffee, cider, and donuts this Sunday, here are some things to look forward to this fall!
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God’s Hand at Work: Our Students’ Week in Peru

As many of you know, Browncroft has a partner church, Alianza Cristiana de Miraflores, in Lima, Peru. This July, a team of twelve-- five adults and seven students-- traveled to Lima to join forces with the Miraflores Youth Group for work and outreach projects at the Westfalia Orphanage in Cieneguilla. To give you a glimpse into our experience and the impact it had, we’ve asked some of our incredible students to share their testimonies. Here is what they had to say.
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