slow down my soul

Slow Down My Soul – A Poem of Prayer

August 17, 2023
Alyssa Matz

“He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.”

Psalm 23:2-3

Lord, the thoughts of this world are overwhelming,

and I cannot bear the weight of them alone.

Overthinking, anxiety, and worry easily overtake me;

yet your Word says today has enough trouble of its own.

Help my mind to rest in You and ease my racing thoughts.

Remind me that you are with me in unknown waters — both ahead and behind.

Lord, let this be my prayer today:

Slow down my mind.

Lord, you are the Author and Creator of all things,

including this Imago Dei body in which I reside.

I continuously strive to work it to the ground where it came from;

a feeble effort to prove my own worth through sacrifice —  a cover for my pride.

Help my body to rest in You, knowing only Your blood makes me worthy.

Remind me whether I am moving or still; that not my arms, but Yours, have caught me.

Lord, let this be my prayer today:

Slow down my body.

Lord, there are so many plans I have made for my life,

attempting to control what You’ve set in motion since the beginning.

I run without pause from one place to the next;

too caught up to notice the flowers of the field, or your praises the birds sing.

Help my life to rest in you — to echo the sparrows’ songs of provision.

Remind me that you are over all seasons, from the summer to the winter, from joy to strife.

Lord, let this be my prayer today:

Slow down my life.

Lord, I am a sheep in need of a shepherd,

my soul longs to be guided, aligned with the One I know will never lead me astray.

I would be lost on my own, too vulnerable to protect myself;

though this is the path I am drawn often towards, tempted to go my own way.

Help my soul to rest in You. Show me how to lie in green pastures — where to walk in still waters.

Remind me that I am refreshed by submission to the Good Shepherd’s control.

Lord, let this be my prayer forever:

Slow down my soul.

Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash

About The Author

Alyssa Matz

Alyssa Matz is Browncroft’s Family Ministry Coordinator and Congregational Care Coordinator. A graduate of Roberts Wesleyan College, she loves using her spiritual gifts to serve others. When she isn’t at church, Alyssa enjoys reading, writing, photography, hiking, and a good chai latte.

Further reading

Home for Christmas

At Christmas we are not simply celebrating the birth of Jesus, but the choice God made to be with us, to be one of us, forever. He made this world His home so we could be home with Him forever. This fundamental truth will be the focus of our December sermon series.
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Family Serve Night: Making An Impact Together

At Browncroft Community Church, one of our greatest joys is coming together as a church family to serve those in need. This past week, we hosted a Family Serve Night that was nothing short of amazing! Our community gathered to lend a hand, bringing together people of all ages with one heart and purpose: to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
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Help Us Celebrate 25 Years of the Wolof Partnership!

The Wolof Celebration being held at Browncroft on the evening of Sunday, November 10th celebrates 25 years of partnership between Browncroft and the Wolof, and the many successes and beautiful things God has done and is doing there as His kingdom grows. Join us for the occasion!
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