Summer is my favorite season. I love the longer days, the warm weather, and my summer hobbies. This time of the year I am drawn to gardening, cooking ribs, and fishing. These aren’t activities that I can enjoy during the winter (at least not comfortably), so I’m glad when summer arrives and I’m able to pursue them.
These activities require time and patience. They force me to slow down — to appreciate life. Really, I believe they are good for my soul.
But I will admit that I am not the most naturally patient person. And I don’t think I’m alone. Many of us rush around from one activity to the next, so much so that even our relationship with God can feel like something to check off our list.
My prayer is that we would experience the wonderful reality of the Lord as our shepherd — that this truth would renew our hearts, minds, and spirits.
However, we as a church are called to live counter-culturally. In our busy society I believe one of the most subversive things we can do is to intentionally take time to reflect and realize that everything we have is a gift from God. We aren’t defined by how much stuff we have or by how many experiences we accumulate. Rather, our value and worth are rooted in God’s love and care for us.
In the month of August we are going to intentionally slow down as a congregation and talk about Psalm 23 together. Like a good rack of ribs, the more time we take letting this passage sink into our souls, the better our experience will be. My prayer is that we would experience the wonderful reality of the Lord as our shepherd — that this truth would renew our hearts, minds, and spirits. I am convinced that this is the type of posture God wants from us as we move forward together as a community.
We are calling this series “The Summer of 23.” Creative, right? I can’t wait to see what God does in our church as we confess our dependence on Him. I hope you will join us!
Photo by Z Grills Australia on Unsplash