Mary and Jesus

The Story You Tell

December 12, 2022
amanda d'angelo
Amanda D’Angelo

When God calls you to do something for Him, what is your response? When He opens a door and gives you a new role in life, how do you react? The answers we have for those questions will be the story we tell for the rest of our days.

Think about it… our perspectives, attitudes, and, most importantly, what we believe about God is retold in our stories. If we’re really being authentic, people know the posture of our hearts.

A great example of this is seen in the life of Mary. When I read Luke 1:46-55, I know exactly the kind of story she’s telling.

Mary fully accepted the angel’s message to her earlier in verse 35: “The Holy Spirit will come on you… So the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.” And her response — her story — is a song. She glorifies God for telling her she will be the mother of Jesus. Mary sings, “My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,” (verses 46-47).

Remember that Mary was young and not a prominent person. She continues to sing, “for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant” (verse 48). But she didn’t look down upon herself for that. Instead, she praised God that He wanted her to be a part of His plan. The ESV Study Bible’s commentary says, “God often uses people who are not great in the world’s eyes to work His great purposes on the earth.”

Every Christmas we have a story to tell — a song to sing — about what Jesus’ birth means. It’s the most life changing, beautiful story we could ever tell.

Now Mary’s story gets truly powerful when she sings of what her son’s birth will mean for the believers in Israel. God will bring mercy to those who are in awe of him. He will provide His strength to the people — humbling the proud and exalting the humble. He provides good for those in need. And greatest of all, the fulfillment of salvation has come.

I don’t know about you, but that makes me want to tell a great story! To sing a song that magnifies God!

Every Christmas we have a story to tell — a song to sing — about what Jesus’ birth means. It’s the most life changing, beautiful story we could ever tell. This year, no matter what role God has given you, there is an opportunity to tell others that Jesus is the Savior of the world.


Lord, You deserve the highest praise. In my life right now I pray I can magnify You and praise You for all that You are and all that You’ve done through Jesus. May the story I tell point people to you.


Slowly read through Mary’s song. Think about roles God has given you and the “story you told” others during that time. Then think about your current role and how you can better magnify God — praising Jesus for who He is and all that He has done.

Photo by Anuja Mary Tilj on Unsplash

About The Author

amanda d'angelo
Amanda D’Angelo

Amanda is Browncroft’s Next Steps Director. A native of Western New York and an ardent Bills fan, she previously worked as a Volunteer Coordinator at The Chapel just outside Buffalo.

Further reading

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