Want To Be Part Of A Bigger Story?

January 26, 2023
aaron mcginnis
Aaron McGinnis

Do you want to be part of a bigger story advancing life-change in Jesus here in Rochester? Then I present to you Flower City Work Camp. Read on for a way you can be involved!

As American Christians we tend to bring rugged individualism into our faith — not a bad thing in right proportion! But we can fall into a trap of believing our singular church needs to be the hands and feet of Christ all by ourselves in our own strength. The Apostle Paul, however, puts forth a more beautiful image of the Church in 1 Corinthians 12: “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.”

What does this mean? Well, as my Grandpa would preach, “We can do together what we could never do alone!“

This is the power of Flower City Work Camp. In an effort to bless the city of Rochester, the churches of Rochester throw aside their differences and come together in a powerful expression of Christ in our community. Young and old, city and suburb, Presbyterian and Pentecostal, we are empowered by the Spirit and united with one goal, “That the city might see Jesus.”

As my Grandpa would preach, “We can do together what we could never do alone!“

During this one week in April, adults and teenagers alike pick up their hammers, soccer balls, and Bibles to be a reflection of Christ in the Rochester community. Through home repair, sports camps, sidewalk VBS programs, and work with local non-profits, the Church of Greater Rochester meets practical needs and shares the love of Christ together with our neighbors.

Now we know that one week of work, however impactful, is not enough to turn the eternal tide of our communities. However, the spirit of Flower City Work Camp is certainly one to be modeled in our everyday walk as individual Christ followers and as a Christ-following community in Rochester. When we see God’s people from all ages, backgrounds, and demographics set aside their differences to move powerfully as the united Body of Christ in our communities, then the city will see Jesus.

This year Flower City Work Camp runs from April 3-7. That’s the week leading up to Easter — what a great time to show our faith in action to our community!

We need help from adults during the week, so if this is stirring your spirit I encourage you to click the button at the end of this post to find an opportunity for you. And you can always click here and email me, too, with any questions. We’d love to hear from you by February 1!

I hope you prayerfully consider what it would look like to join Browncrofters and friends from more than 30 other churches in serving at Flower City Work Camp this spring that the city might see Jesus!

About The Author

aaron mcginnis
Aaron McGinnis

Aaron McGinnis, Browncroft’s Student Director, is a Brockport native. He served for 3 years in Charlottesville, Virginia, where he was involved in youth ministries, camps, and filmmaking classes for teens. As fun as the lights, camera, and action were, he felt the Lord call him back to Rochester to minister to students and leaders here at Browncroft in 2019.

Further reading

Rooted, and the Fruits of the Spirit

I will always remember those ten weeks leading a Rooted group as the fostering of new friendships, the gaining of new perspectives, and a means by which I could work on improving myself by paying attention to the Spirit within me.
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