browncroft campus outside summer 2022

Why We Focus On Safety At Browncroft

July 21, 2022
marcia dehond
Marcia DeHond

I’ll never have my own home décor show on HGTV. But I hope anyone who comes to my house for a meal or visit feels at home. And I hope they feel safe.

Browncroft is also home for me. It may be for you, too. That’s one of the beautiful things about our church — it really is a place all can feel at home. In fact, that’s one of the things I strive and pray for in my role as Browncroft’s Operations Director. I want to ensure anyone on our campus feels welcome and safe.

Sadly, the realities of today’s broken and fallen culture create a landscape difficult to navigate. Evil is real. We see that regularly in acts of violence that seem more and more regularly to make headlines. And we see community attempts to cope through a number of changes we have all experienced when traveling, attending concerts or sporting events, or even just entering public schools and government buildings.

We in the church should not fall victim to fear, but we also cannot ignore this reality. Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). He calls us to have courage, even as we are mindful of the troubled world around us. He calls us to love our neighbors, to seek the lost, and be exceptional stewards of what He has placed under our authority.

Here at Browncroft our Safety Team leads with these biblical principles as our foundation. We see this as a ministry — to do our very best to provide a safe environment for worship, discipleship, and fellowship whenever anyone is on campus.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

We have been mindful of general security recommendations from federal, state, and local authorities in recent years. In fact, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security offers a number of emergency preparedness resources for churches and other houses of worship, including some here.

As we have sought to adjust our operations to meet today’s environment, you may have noticed some changes when you’ve been on campus at Browncroft. And some may have felt restrictive. For example, we are enforcing limits on foot traffic in the Browncroft Kids hallways of the church to only parents or guardians with appropriate credentials. Also, our doors are not open and unlocked at all hours. I know this can feel inconvenient for some (and reassuring for others), but at the end of the day it is truly for everyone’s safety.

By the way, this safety mindset is something everyone can be a part of when on campus (as well as anywhere else you go!). Here are some suggestions:

  • You may have heard the expression, “If you see something, say something.” If you see something that your instincts tell you is not quite right while you’re at Browncroft, trust that feeling! Tell a staff member of anyone serving who has a blue Browncroft shirt on. We are here to help and we want to know what you see.
  • Lock your car and keep valuables (including purses and wallets) with you.
  • If your children attend our Browncroft Kids programming on Sunday mornings, please make sure you properly check them in each week and display your credentials when entering the Family Ministry hallways.

Lastly, if you are an EMT or if you have a medical, law enforcement, or military/security background, I would love to meet you. I want to thank you personally for your service, and I’d love to introduce you to others on our Safety Team. We are thankful for the work you do!

May the Lord bless us and protect us as we seek to be His salt and light in the community He’s placed us. Please don’t hesitate to contact me using the button below. Grateful to serve with you!

About The Author

marcia dehond
Marcia DeHond

Marcia DeHond is Browncroft’s Director of Operations and has more than 15 years of operational management experience. A Christ-follower for 40 years and a Browncrofter for 25, she is a grateful daughter, mother, and “Gigi.”

Further reading

Christmas Is for Everyone

What I love most about Christmas music is its unerring ability to put me in the true Christmas spirit. When I listen to it, particularly the biblical songs, I’m able to just be in the moment and stop stressing about everything that needs to be done by December 24th. That’s why I’m so excited that this Sunday we are having a special Scripture and Carols service to commemorate the season.
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The Season of Giving

Christmas is a season of giving. We remember God’s great gift to us in the birth of Jesus our Savior. We celebrate the coming of our Lord with our family and friends, and together as a church. Whether it be in your home or neighborhood, or by participating in the meaningful events and services on campus, our prayer is that you’d express and experience the hospitality and generosity of Christ throughout this season.
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See You at Christmas Jam!

If you are like me and are looking for ways that you can invite people to celebrate Christmas with you and your family, I want to encourage you to invite your friends, your neighbors, and anyone you can think of, really, to Christmas Jam here at Browncroft!
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