all in prayer focus - centennial week

All In Prayer – Service

May 20, 2022
matz - staff pic - march 2022
Alyssa Matz

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:37-40)

When we use our resources to serve others, we are really serving God.

At Browncroft, one of our four spiritual habits is “Know & Use Your Gifts”. We often think of “gifts” as financial, but let’s not forget about other gifts that the Lord has given each of us — our talents, our passions, our time, our spiritual giftings, or even our abounding love for others. The list goes on!

All of these gifts can be used to serve those in our community. And the best part of this is, when we use our gifts to help others, we are not only serving them, but we are also serving Jesus! 

When we use our resources to serve others, we are really serving God.

Let’s take a moment to pray for the following areas:

  • That we as a church would have eyes to see every person in need as Jesus Himself. 
  • That God will reveal to each Browncrofter what gifts He has equipped them with.
  • That God provides us with opportunities to use these gifts to serve others. 
  • That our local community would know the love of God through our loving service. 

We praise You, God, for everything You have given us! Thank you for the unique and personal gifts You have given each one of us. Help us to recognize these gifts and reveal to us how to use them. Please provide us with the opportunity to serve those around us as we ultimately seek to serve You. Amen!

About The Author

matz - staff pic - march 2022
Alyssa Matz

Alyssa Matz is Browncroft’s Family Ministry Coordinator and an intern in our Congregational Care department. A graduate of Roberts Wesleyan College, she loves using her spiritual gifts to serve others. Alyssa is a familiar face in Browncroft Kids and Students videos, and when she isn’t at church, she enjoys reading, writing, photography, hiking, and a good chai latte.

Further reading

Browncroft’s Mission Partnerships

A mission partnership is a shared ministry by the church and an outside partner for the purpose of advancing the gospel of Jesus. Central to the idea of our Browncroft mission partnerships is mutuality, a shared commitment where both parties learn from each other as they work together to serve God’s greater mission in the world.
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Will You Join Us for Send Me?

In the month of November, we are going to be celebrating a church on mission during our annual Send Me outreach emphasis. I hope you will join us for this special occasion!
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Join Us for Financial Peace University!

I am excited to announce that the next round Financial Peace University at Browncroft will be starting this Sunday, October 20th! This program emphasizes a debt-free lifestyle and provides practical tools and resources for achieving financial stability and peace of mind. We hope you will join us!
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