finding a mission opportunity

Finding A Missions Opportunity

March 30, 2023
Laura Iamaio

At the end of last summer, I found myself in the middle of one of the more significant transition periods in my life. A season of ministry with college students that lasted more than two decades was coming to an end, and I didn’t know what was next. I only knew that God was asking me to take time to rest and trust Him at deeper levels — something easier said than done for me!

A few months later an opportunity arose to help lead the Browncroft Missions Team. After some procrastination and a few debates with God, I cautiously stepped forward to find out more.

“Missions” isn’t a familiar term for everyone these days. I’ve found a helpful way to understand it that comes from John 17:18. In this verse Jesus is talking to God the Father, and He says, “Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world.” The Latin equivalents of “sent” and “sending” is where we get the word “mission.” After we encounter Jesus and are in a relationship with Him, He sends us out to share this life-changing message with others.

After we encounter Jesus and are in a relationship with Him, He sends us out to share this life-changing message with others.

It didn’t take long for me to realize why I was drawn to volunteer with the Missions Team. In addition to the amazing people I get to serve with, I’m able to interact with the many wonderful missionaries around the world that our church financially supports and prays for. I’m discovering that the ministry work I was previously a part of is invaluable in navigating this new role. 

I also love helping others at Browncroft find their own missions opportunities. For example, our team comes alongside individuals interested in short-term trips to support missionary partners. This spring and summer we’re planning on sending teams to Florida, South Carolina, Senegal, Greece, Kosovo, and France. Personally, I’m excited about linking arms with Family Ministry to lead a multi-generational team to Belize.

If you’d like to learn more about missions at Browncroftplease check out our webpage using the button below. We would love to help you take your next step in being sent!

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

About The Author

Laura Iamaio

Laura Iamaio chairs Browncroft’s volunteer-led missions team. Having served in full time college ministry for two decades, she is passionate about developing the next generation of leaders and creating healthy teams. She and her husband, John, have been married more than 20 years, have two teenage kids, and enjoy traveling to warm climates during the long winter months.

Further reading

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