all in mobilize - "go for it"

Opportunities To ‘Mobilize’

May 19, 2022
catanzaro - staff pic - march 2022
Alissa Catanzaro

Last Sunday Pastor Rob helped us explore the “mobilize” element of Browncroft’s mission statement in the “All In” centennial message series. This is an important part of our discipleship journeys. We have all been given gifts and passions that can be used to advance the Kingdom of God!

So you might wonder… “How could I take a next step in mobilizing my faith?” Well, let me share a few different opportunities to consider in the months ahead.

Business as Mission Seminar – Saturday, May 21

Can what we do for work have an impact for Christ? Join visiting Browncroft outreach partners for a breakfast (8:30am – noon) this Saturday as we explore the use of business skills and interests to advance the Kingdom of God in Rochester and across the world.

John Spadafora will help us consider how God is connected to our work. Our long-time partner Ralph Metzger will share examples from his experience in developing entrepreneurial skills among aspiring Christian business people in Africa. And Les Moore, who has served as a leader in missions at Browncroft, will share his insights from a trip with Ralph to Nigeria. 

All are welcome! You don’t need to be an executive to have an impact. You may find you can mentor, pray for, encourage and learn from a Christian from another country as they take steps to start a small business — even without needing to leave Rochester. Please click the button below to sign up!

Short-Term Missions Trips – South Carolina and Peru

We have two short-term missions trip opportunities available this summer. Trips like these are a great way to practice all four of our spiritual habits — spend time with God, spend time with others, know & use your gifts, and share your faith.

Our international trip to Peru will be June 30 – July 8 and will support our new partners at Empowering Quechuas. Check out this great podcast to learn more about this ministry and its amazing leaders.

This team will help teach English, lead devotions, support an eyeglass ministry, and work with the community. We will also have a chance to spend some time with our sister church in Miraflores!

We are looking for 5 more people to join!, and we will have a meeting about this trip on Sunday, May 22 at 9am at the church if you want more information. You can also apply using the button below.

If you want to serve stateside, we will have a team helping at the South Carolina book warehouse of our partners at OM Ships. The warehouse organizes and ships books for the bookstore on the Logos Hope ship. The trip will be held in August, and it is a great chance for families to serve together. Sign up below!

Mentor Teens in Foster Care

The Hub585 led by our friend, Ashley Cross, is rolling out a CarePortal program that focuses on meeting the relational needs of children in foster care. This is being done through their Life Launch Mentoring Program. Mentor groups are actively being created of 2-4 adults per teen. Click the button below for more information about becoming a mentor.

FCWC Weekend Edition

An ongoing opportunity that we offer for families and small groups is Flower City Work Camp: Weekend Edition. This is a great way to work together in short one-day construction projects to serve our neighbors in the city of Rochester. If you are interested, please email me using the button below.

We hope you get involved! If you have any questions or need more information, please contact me! We can’t wait to see all that God is going to do this summer through the people in our congregation and around the world.

About The Author

catanzaro - staff pic - march 2022
Alissa Catanzaro

Alissa Catanzaro is Browncroft’s Outreach Director. She has lived in Rochester all of her life and truly loves this city. Missions has been a passion and calling on her life since high school, and she is grateful for short-term missions trip experiences she has been blessed with. In addition to leading Browncroft efforts, Alissa is very involved with a nonprofit called Guitars for Glory that puts instruments in the hands of worshipers all over the world.

Further reading

Rooted, and the Fruits of the Spirit

I will always remember those ten weeks leading a Rooted group as the fostering of new friendships, the gaining of new perspectives, and a means by which I could work on improving myself by paying attention to the Spirit within me.
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