8 Books For Summer Reading

Whether you re-charge in the mountains, by a lake, at a coffee shop, or in your backyard, I hope you take some time this summer to slow down and enjoy a good read.
My Small Group’s Experience With ‘The Gospel & Race’ Study

My hope is that when you read about our experience you will want to explore Browncroft’s powerful “Gospel & Race” study in your group, too!
Racial Reconciliation Is A Journey

Racial reconciliation is a journey. It can be painful. But as we become more like Jesus, there will be joy set before us.

Pastor Rob previews the coming Reconciled series exploring how Christianity at its root is all about a new creation, new vision, and new calling.
Racial Reconciliation

This is a journey, and it’s not too big for God. We look to Him as we seek to help lead our culture in the way we live and love.

The Bible says all people are made in the image of God. To exercise prejudice toward another is not simply a sin against them but against God.
A Conversation on the Gospel and Race

If we want to see true advancement in the work of racial reconciliation in our culture, it must begin with the Church.
Black Leaders to Follow and Resources to Engage

One of the best steps white Christians can take in racial reconciliation is to engage resources from black leaders.